Thursday, May 8, 2008

Introducing the Wharf!

Greetings, Peeps:

Welcome to Miller's Wharf!

Here I be, all bloglike. Caveat: I have little to no experience blogging at this point, so bear with me while I figure out my newfound blogging abilities.

My friend Amanda is my inspiration!
(check out her cool blog:

All righty, then. Explanation forthcoming of WHY I named this Miller's Wharf:

Last name: Miller
Wharf: Actually an acronym I made up and felt pretty good about, since it's quite descriptive of me:

* Wifey (married over six years)
* Homekeeper (despite the fact that I currently have two jobs and am not there as often as I'd like... LOVE my home and try to take good care of it!)
* Artist (Painting, quilting, knitting, and scrapbooking are among my many creative expressions...)
* Reader (Voracious is a good adjective, I think)
* Foodie (Food is good! Love cooking, read cookbooks for fun, and love new recipes - especially ethnic ones with unusual flavors and ingredients)

(I'm other things too, but these were in the top ten AND they spelled a word that worked. Need I say more?)

1 comment:

Vintage Dutch Girl said...

Awww, you gave me linky love :)

Loving the name, loving that I have another friend in bloggyland!

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