Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dental Fixation Support Column

Dear Dental Diva:

I struggle with my dental school-bound spouse. Since even before he began the application process for dental school, he's been completely unbearable! Oral fixation is putting it mildly. When he's not working on his applications, the only other thing that gets him away from his oral hygiene routine is previous seasons of "Battlestar Gallatica". What can I do to get some attention around here?

Jealous of Floss

Dear Jealous:

I suggest firstly that you attempt to understand the amazing new world your honey has entered. Dentistry and all it entails is a fascinating calling! Perhaps you should try joining him in some of his oral hygiene 'routines' and maybe you'll get an oral fixation of your own! Floss has its strong virtues... (I hear that people who floss live an average of five years longer than people who abstain, all other things being equal.) Plus you'll be spending valuable time with him in an activity he enjoys. And give him a break. After his application process is complete, he'll need to endure interviews, waiting lists, quirky classmates, gruff professors, and three to four years of classes, treating patients, lab work, board exams, talent shows, and Spring barbeques.

And by the way, it's spelled "Galactica."

Fluoridely yours,
Dental Diva

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